“How do you spell commitment to Christ? With a capital ‘D’ for Discipleship, says second-year RTS student Bob Wojohn. With unusual leadership and zeal, this young man has dedicated his life to helping others become better followers of Jesus Christ. And, so far, he’s having tremendous success.”
Original source unknown
Copyright 2017 Life on Life - A Ministry of Perimeter Church -
lifeonlife.org (source - pg. 13)
"The Gospel Waltz"
Here is a quick eight-minute video that effectively explains Perimeter Church’s Gospel Waltz.
This is a great video portrayal of Don Carson’s teaching on mentoring and discipleship. It is well worth the 5 minutes it takes to watch
Please visit the FAQ’s page to learn how small groups are NOT the same as discipleship groups.
Adriana Martinez | adriana@cfmdiscpleship.org